Hotel "Sator" is situated in the South-West part of R. Macedonia located in the space between the city of Bitola and the National park Pelister at the every beginning of Pelister, village Trnovo at 850 meters above the sea level, located in its own luxurious green garden of birches and fir trees.
The hotel has good traffic connection on the road that connects the city of Bitola and the National Park Pelister. It is 5 kilometers distant from the regional road M-5 between Ohrid and Bitola, while the distance from the airport in Ohrid is 70 kilometers and 180 kilometers from the airport in Skopje, which from the other side is insignificant distance for people in love with healthy,ecological enviroinment, healthy air, peace and the tranquility, away from the urban environments.
At the moment the hotel has 13 luxurious furnished hotel rooms (two bed rooms with additional hotel beds and superior rooms) harmonically placed on the first level of the hotel with views on the city of Bitola from the East part and with a view to the mountain Pelister from the South -West part where during the whole day the overall hotel capacity is lightened by the pleasant mountain sun during all seasons.
The hotel has on its disposal exclusive restaurant hall, attractive summer teracce and one VIP hall with capacity for 40 guests furnished with the necessary and modern technique and a bar in direct surrounding of a summer teracce with overall capacity for 260 restaurant seats (out of which the restaurant has 140 and the summer terrace 120 seats). As a part of the restaurant functions well furnished professional kitchen always prepared to meet professionaly all requests and wishes by the guest's with a possibility to enjoy in the top master pieces of the chefs ,who prepare all types of specialties especially from the Macedonian national kitchen but as well as the specialties from other kitchens.